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Sunday, September 10, 2006
/ 4:20 PM

im not in the mood of blogging. yeah, when im in the right mood, i blog for about an hour or so? haha. all the rubbish comes out. lol. why not in the mood? school's reopening tomorrow lah. walau.

okay, and i've only left with jian bao. and i dont know what to write about. there's nothing to cut out and write about how i feel even though ms lee gave us 4 copies of da mu zhi. sigh ):

argh, nothing to blog about. i shall blog about what's happened today so far (:

it was like, 9am when i woke up bah. seeing that no one else except my maid is awake, i decided to sleep again :D and then i woke up again at 12pm and was aware that everyone in the family has woke up. but i continue to sleep (: but i woke up rather reluctantly because mother is nagging. but i woke up for the sake of eating KFC. haha. they're going there for brunch. xP.

and i ate ZINGER :D while all the others ate two piece chicken ):
if i had known earlier, i'll join them all to eat the two piece chicken :D
but i enjoyed my zinger as well (:

aww. but somehow, i've got a different kind of feeling towards school reopen this time. i just felt, excited. and was determined to work really hard for SA2. i'll start studying one month in advance. but i know i'll be tempted to play the computer but i managed to stay away from it the other time :] but as usual i didn't study. lol. okay, yeah, but i meant what i said (:

the reason why, i don't want to be looked down at. just because i didn't do well for science this time, she's boasting and teasing at me. so what? everyone has been at their worst. haven't she? another reason why, i know father was upset with my results. although i know that there were always underlines in his report book. underline means FAILED. but i've decided not to compare him with myself. times were different. the last reason was the post on yupei's blog. http://-theunsaidreasons.blogspot.com uhm. there was a post about her mother. yeah, i could see how determined she is to work hard for studies, just to satisfy her mother, how she made her mother happy but ended up unhappy herself. i think she's nice :] i'll try my best to do the same as well! :D

im looking forward to the friendly match;

jin tai VS clementi town
i hope it'll be an exciting match for both teams. :D
but the venue and time aren't confirmed yet ):
but im quite certain it'll be on either monday/friday, in jin tai's HALL :D
as for now, tata! i've got some
other things to do (:

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starry starry night