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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
/ 7:22 PM

i didnt use the com yesterday! haha.. but im back here today, just to blog :] i cant stand the feeling of not being able to blog! hmm..

i woke up at dno what time yesterday. haha.. cos dad was scolding me for switching his phone to silent mode. but its him who didnt switch it back cos i already told him the day before! but had to take a step back cos his mood damn lousy these few days cos of some things lah.

then went to the stadium to run with erjie. we only ran 2 rounds! then erjie said that she felt like fainting then i was like so scared! lol. scared that i'd have to carry her home! lol! then i sprinted a short distance =x cos the sun was sooo.. hot that we were so breathless! walao, we planned to run 6 rounds lah. then relatives came over for 'mahjong session' again then i earned $10 form aunt. hehe.

basically, nothing much happened today too.. lesson was kinda boring.. didnt have much homework to do also. just went through worksheets and such.. then damn it lah. mdm norezan actually accepted the pair work and gave me and queenie an 'A' for social studies when queenie didn't even do anything! DAMN IT LAH. i was so.. FREAKED OUT! the evil souls always end up in a bad ending. i dont mind sacrificing a little at the beginning :] and i got a 'B' for my health education. i think its unfair lah. she made us draw a poster which is like, art lesson? and it had got nothing to do with health education lah!

then had fun after school today. wanted dad to come and fetch me as it was drizzling but he didn’t want to. then he said he’d ask the maid to come and fetch me. then I cant stand the maid talking nonsense all the time so I told him that I’d go home later.. then he called me and said, “I know if I fetch you then you come home right.. I never fetch then you say you at school hor?!” then I lied and said that, “even if you agree to come and fetch me, I’d also tell you to come later mah!” then world peace! Haha.. was having a war in the hall with some of the vball people. haha.. then the chinese dancers need to use the hall for their practice so we left and played badminton downstairs instead. and i thought i heard ms seng calling my name! its so.. scary. maybe because we were making too much noise? afraid that we might get scolding tomorrow lah. then bernard was so damn hao lian lor. he keep on say he badminton pro. also anyhow hit de lor! =X. haha.

then after that, went to buy bubbletea with mel. And as we were crossing the road, I saw my dad! Didn’t want to act suspiciously cos I wasn’t allowed to buy bubbletea cos my digestive system is very sensitive then I waved at him cos he was in the car then he waved back! Haha.. then mel came over to my house and we studied a little bit. after not more than an hour, SIS TOLD ME TO GO TO BUY BUBBLETEA FOR HER AND HUIYU! [HER FRIEND]. then i was like.. WTH! then nevermind lor.. help her lar. since mel volunteered to go with me. then we were so drenched in the rain! we're so unlucky lor. we didn't bring the umbrella cos it wasn't raining when we left home and met that stupid bernard and jingyun lor. it was already so unlucky. next, it began to rain soo heavily! walao. then i was so afraid that i might fall when running. haha. but i wanted to play in the rain lah. but mel will get wet so we didnt. haha.. then treated mel bubbletea for accompanying me :] ooh. im so damn kind! x].

haha. then i didn't bring my pocket money today! how unlucky. but luckily cheesue cleared his debts and mel paid me a dollar, and i had more than enough to spend as i've got extra money in my wallet! ^^ at last, something lucky happened. LOL!

and i suddenly thought that i might be sick cos i felt a little unwell when i was sleepy last night and thought of taking my temperature. then, i remembered that we had to bring our thermometers to school today and i was so lazy to go and search for it although i know its somewhere near my cabinet. then, i accidentally fell asleep and thought that i might remember to bring it today. but of course, i forgotten! :]. haha. but it doesnt matter lah. so many people didn't bring theirs today too. so we were given another chance and tomorrow's the last day to bring it and i shall never forget to bring it :D.

mel's coming over tomorrow again. woot. but wth, she almost fed venus with MARSHMALLOW! then i ate it. LOL. actually, to be honest. i've banned myself from using the computer until exams are over! but.. yeap, i mentioned the reason at the first line of my post le. haha. i even allowed dad to smack me when he sees me using the com lah. but.. i dont think using it for awhile will die lor? hehe.. will be back sometime before exams when dad's not at home! :]. and i got my ornithologist badge today and left it under my bottle. hehe.

okay.. got to log off now, before dad returns home and sees me infront of the pc!

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starry starry night