and my leg is half red!

ugly but treasurable medal! LOL. anyway, i dont mind sacrificing my skin. LOL. okay lah. ITS BURNING~ XD. i feel, its just worth it, for a gold! :DDDDDD. then when we weren't playing, we were ALL except ms seng building sand castles! LOL. childish but fun! i can say this is the first time im building one! lol! really, ever in my life! i've never even built a mini one, even in my childhood times! besides, its just so fun building them with my beloved teammates :D
we walked a looooong distance to the venue! damn that bloody shit person who told ms seng that it was near to jintai. and ms seng actually took a longer way to get there! my parents told me we could just get there by a shortcut way, by crossing the bridge behind ginza. wth! had i known we'd take such a long way to get there, i should've just asked my parents the directions to go! anyway, i'd just take that as a warm up before the match! D:
then i did scoring with a girl around the age of 17-19. she's nice! and she called me her 'de li zhu shou'! LOL. then mummy bought 12 bottles of mineral water. then there were more than enough for the all of us. so i gave two of them to the referee and scorer. and of course, I DIDNT GIVE ONE OF THE LEFTOVER TO MR LIM! WAHAHA. xD. he scolded me stupid! argh~ then he hit the female referee's head, then she told me, 'wa! he hit my head leh! never die before!' LOL. they're humourous! :D
ms seng's so nice! she treated us when we had our lunch break at 1pm. then she told me to go and buy drinks for me, zhouxian, melanie and she, herself. then the total cost was $4.10 and she only gave me $4. then the indian uncle said, "aiyah. nevermind lah! i'll just charge you $4!" he's so nice! D: its supposed to be self-service one lor. he even helped me bring the drinks to our table! then i got the $0.10 from ms seng and i gave it to the uncle. then he pushed my hand away. wah! gentleman :D and when i was on my way to the toilet, i saw this statue of a god, i dont know which. but i just prayed "please bless me and let me get the champion later on.." and it came true! yahoo~ and heres something hilarious. ms seng was afraid that we'd scald our hand if we carry the noodles by ourselves. so she helped us to. then there was this uncle who told ms seng his order! LOL! he thought ms seng was the tender of the stall! HAHAH. then me and zhouxian was sitting at a table cos a table wasnt enough for all of us. then the uncle shared table with us.
uncle: eh. that one your teacher?
me: yup..
uncle: oh! i thought she was a noodle seller! so i told her my order!
me: -LOL- no lah. she help us mah.
uncle: teachers nowadays are so kind!
me: haha.. yup. kind until people thought they sell noodles!
uncle: agree! anyway, does your teacher help out at this stall everyday?
me: NO! we're just here for a competition today!
uncle: oh.. she looks professional.
uncle: kind of..
LOL! i must say that uncle has got a fabulous imagination! xD. then after our competition, we all took my dad's car to ginza. again, to eat! WAHAHA. and i didnt know so many players could squeeze into my dad's toyota wish! at the back row sat jingyun, clarissa, eleanor and huihui. and whats kinda amazing is, me, melanie, shijia, zhouxian and ms seng sat in the center row, without having to squeeze with each other! wow~ then we went to eat mac! :D. and, i forgot to pull out the seat to let the ones at the back come out! LOL. then eleanor dropped her $1 on the seat. then she screamed, ''AHH! MY $1!!!" then my dad told her, "its okay lah. just leave some more money behind for me!" then eleanor like gong gong lidat, she replied, "waaa... that means you will fa da!" LOL! then my dad said jingyun very disiao. then my parents said eleanor's very cute! LOL. i wonder why everyone says shes cute, regardless of where she goes! in fact, so far, everyone's saying that! haha! okay, but she's really cute :D
and she gobbled up damn lot of food at mac! xD. then i arranged for everyone to say "xiexie xin laoshi" at the entrance when we're leaving. and then i was behaving so suspiciously when i was telling the girls our planning. then ms seng said, "hoi! say bad things about me hah!?" jaja~ then before we left, ms seng asked, "eh? never say anything to me?" then i say "haiyoh. no need lah!" LOL. then after we said xiexie to her, she patted my head and said, "aiyah. guai lah! guai lah!" hah! :]. ms seng's so niceeeee. she treated us to so many food today! im still bloated now! [partly because i still ate lots of junk food when i came home!] =P.
daddy told me to sleep early tonight as i've still got a match against nanhua tomorrow! hope to win them! i think erjie's coming over to watch me play! everyone's getting so supportive in all of a sudden! LOL.
ahh. my skin is burning hot! i shall stop blogging, switch on the aircon, and relax like i've never done that before! LOL. there was a mosquito buzzing infront of me just now! then i took out dajie's weapon, INSECTICIDE! one spray, and bye!, mosquito! LOL.
okay.. really can stand the "burning" now! ciao~
jiayou for the match tomorrow!
dear spongebob, please help me win the match tomorrow!