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Friday, June 22, 2007
/ 9:27 PM

Haha. So many posts today.

Met Shijia in the morning at 945. She came up to my house. But then I got ready only at 1015, haha. Then went mac for breakfast. After that went to market there. Wanted to bus to station then change bus go Nanyang. But then it was already 1115 when we were at the market. And because of our laziness, we decided to cab there. Haha. Shijia damn smart lor. Pay the fare first, cos the journey there is cheaper, as compared to the journey back home! Argh. She paid only $5.50 lor. Oh yeah. I saw Henry sitting on the floor. LOL.

Okay so when we reached Nanyang, we almost lost our way. But Chuning called my phone. Then I said I don't know how to go up. So I looked up and suddenly saw someone holding a phone, then I said, "Yo. I think I see you." Then she was like, "Haha, I think I see you too!" Lol. So I went up. And saw the coach. She was so fierce can. Say I act dua pai last week don't want to come. Then she say, if she hadn't seen us play, she wouldn't let us come today. ERR? Then she say dsa need pay $80 and take test. The money part didn't shock me. BUT. The test! Have to take English, Maths and Chinese! LIKE WTH CAN. Nevermind about that. I'm thinking of backing out already. HAHA.

But their training is very relax. Oh yeah. During the warm-up part. At the net there I didn't squat low enough and my spects fell off. And I was NETTED lah. LOL. As in the net went with me. Hehe. Luckily Shijia say not many people cared. Otherwise damn paiseh okay. But then my partner was nice enough to wait for me (: I don't know her name though.

So the coach paired me and Sara when we gang qiu. Yeah, gang. Not kang. Her spiking qiang can. Yiyuan also. Haha. Then we played match after that. There's this guy. Keep on spike me, very irritating lah. Then Sara down there, "Don't care him la. SO IRRITATING. WE ALL HATE HIM LOR. *glares*" Hahaha. Then Yiyuan complain complain, "His throwing damn bad lor! Cannot even spike properly!" Sara and Yiyuan damn funny lah. But thanks to their help, me and Shijia's training in Nanyang didn't seem that awkward after all (: They even told us how to cheat in Nanyang's test HAHA. Oops =x

Then after training, cabbed home with Shijia. HAHA. Damn what leh. I paid $7 okay. Stupid Shijia =x Then hor. I force her blanja bubbletea because I pay more. LMAO. Then I buy $1.80 de bubbletea. Then I was thinking, "Shit man. If I remember then buy double pearl mah!" Hahaha. Then I go press her cup. The disgusting blue coral thing. LOL. Then I laugh until spill out the chocolate outside my house haha. OH YAH. Shijia damn idiot leh. After I closed the cab door, then she was like, "EH MY THING'S STILL INSIDE." Then I faster open the cab door, when the uncle already drove away lah! LOL. And guess what's the THING she left behind?


Made me paiseh like hell! Oh okay. At least she flagged the cab outside Nanyang when another uncle was infront of us flagging for the cab lah. We just come out only. Then got another uncle flagging for cab. Then Shijia go cut sia. LOL. Again, made me guilty. HAHAHA. =x

Smsed Calvin brother :D
Catched up quite alot with him. He damn stupid leh. Work in lan shop. Still can use com and sms. So shiok one lor. Haiyo.

HE VERY WHAT LOR. M YOUR HEAD. YOU M EVERYDAY RIGHT, I KNOW. BUAHAHA. Quickily teach me about the "using a script to open another script" thing!

Okay. Very tired already. So sticky. Haven't even shower.

Bowling with cousins at Mount Faber SAFRA tomorrow night, 8pm to 10pm.
So I won't be online at about dinner time already.

i'll ask weihong if i don't know. ahhaha.

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starry starry night