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Thursday, June 28, 2007
/ 9:36 PM

1.Honestly what color is your shirt?
- white

2. Honestly, whats on your mind?
- *remember to watch incredible tales later!*
> i missed it for two weeks, simply cos i forgot, haha.

3. Honestly, what are you doing right
- wondering why each question starts with the word, "HONESTLY"!

4. Honestly, have you ever been in
love ?
- haha. ask my mum.

5. Honestly, have you done something
bad today?
- yes!

6. Honestly, do you watch disney
- no. but i've been to disneyland~

7.Honestly, who is the last person you
talked to on the phone?
- jingjie.

8.Honestly, are you jealous of
somebody right now?
- no. never be jealous of what others have that you dont.

9. Honestly, what makes you mad most
of the time?

10. Honestly, do you bite your nails?
- nope :D

11. Honestly, do you use anyone?
- no. im good-hearted!

12. Honestly, do you want to see
someone this very moment?
- dont have :D

13. Honestly, do you have a friend
you don't like?
- what do you think? OF COURSE!!

14. Honestly, do you love someone very
- now? nope~

15. Honestly, does anyone like you?
- how would i know?


*Anger Section*

1. What do you do when you're mad?
- shout and swear like nobody's business, =p

2. What's the worst thing you've done
when you were mad?
- slapped my dajie.

3. Ever made anyone cry when you were
- yeah, my dajie!

4. Do you swear when your mad?
- yes. i even swear when im joking. LOL.

5. When was the last time you really
- long time ago. recently were just practising to cry in a shortest possible time, hahaha.

6. Ever cried yourself to sleep?
- yes! usually after reading darren shan late after midnight, rofl.

7. What usually makes you cry?
- touching& sad stories, movies, drama, shows, blahblah. i do cry even when im watching comedys too! haha.

8. Are you normally a happy person?
- yes :D im a very very happy girl! ^^

9. Does being with your friends makes
you happy?
- some of them, who can be trusted.

10. When people say they think you are
good looking/pretty, do you get happy?
- LOL. i feel embarrassed.

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starry starry night